In an article called
Payroll tax break will continue, Ledyard King says that "Congress agreed Friday to extend a payroll tax break through the end of the year for millions of Americans, despite the objection of some Florida lawmakers that the country shouldn't add another $90 billion to the federal debt." Basically, what he is saying is that the payroll tax reduction will save around $80 a month for people earning $50,000 a year and will save high-income workers a maximum $2,200 for the year.
In my opinion, we must and will continue to fight to make and keep taxes permanently low. Allowing taxes to suddenly go up on millions of taxpayers would be terrible for our struggling economy. The last thing we need in this day and age is something like that.
ReplyDeleteWhenever you make a quote (as a general rule), you need to write more than you quoted. If you quoted 2 lines of text, write 4 lines of your own material. I felt like the summary paragraph was mostly copied and pasted. Instead of saying "basically, blah..." take out the "basically" and just give your readers the meat of the summary.
For your response, why should we keep them low? Why would it be terrible for the economy? What is "this day and age" and why would it be bad? After all, our country is in massive debt to other nations, why wouldn't it be good to take from the citizens to pay this off?
Just some things to keep in mind. I would've loved to hear your voice and opinion more.
This is one of the most controversy going on in U.S. and I must admit right now that I'm far from having knowledge about economics. You said we should keep taxes permanently low, yeah it will be good for us citizens. But what I think is right now we all are in recession, fastest way out of it is to have more demand on goods with so little money we got. Recession started because of the inflation on products and people have less demand on them to save up money. This caused the economy to crush and here we are with recession. I think it is a great blog post but provide more details about what is really going on. Good job!
ReplyDeleteVery controversial topic. My only problem with this post is a lack of depth. Political posts need to be very deep in their points because we all know that political media is beyond biased. good post though
ReplyDeleteI would have liked to see your suggestion and support for how to keep those taxes low and still generate income, jobs, etc.